In order to promote the construction of kindergarten football special courses and cultivate children’s self -confidence and solidarity sports spirit, recently, Qiancao Kindergarten in Luzhou has launched the sixth football carnival sports meeting of “Mengwa Movement, Playing on Small Football”.

Along with the majestic melody of “Athletes”, the Games officially kicked off.The children were all spiritual, holding football, waving a small red flag or a self -made sports equipment, and entered the sports field neatly.

For group exercises, the football exercises of the large class, the red flag exercises in the middle class, and the rainbow umbrella in the small class have their own characteristics. Their vigorous, lively and cute appearance ignite the enthusiasm of the sports meeting, showing the vigorous and vitality of children in the new era.

In the football friendly match, the children of the large class ran hard on the court and played the heavily in the sky;”The goal!” The cheers rang through the kindergarten.
In the fun football game session, games such as “Ant Moving”, “Mengwa Fun Drunk”, “Crossing the Mountains”, “Retry the Long March Road” and “Crossing the Fire” and other games, make children feel the joy of football.