Promoting the transition from “centered diseases” to “centered” to “people’s health”, Huangpu District strengthened the construction of district -level health science popularization expert libraries, and established a strong popular science team composed of 29 experts.Recently, hosted by the Office of the Huangpu District Health and Health Committee, the Office of the Health Promotion Committee of Huangpu District, organized by the Huangpu District Health Promotion Center, and co -organized by the Huangpu District Rong Media Center, the “Popular Science Leading, Medical Road forward” series of popular science columns, transforming professional medical knowledge into a professional medical knowledge intoThe popular science content that is easy to understand allows the people to understand, learn, and remember.The experts I invited this time are

Sun Yan, the attending physician of Luwan Branch of Ruijin Hospital affiliated to the School of Medicine of Shanghai Jiaotong University, she will talk to you about how to prevent myopia and take care of our eyes.

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Yi:Eyes are the windows of the soul, which is especially important to love the eyes

Pu:Yes, love to protect the eyes from the doll

Ribbon: I heard that the baby was a long -sighted when he was born

Pheasant: This is physiological hyperopia, because the newborn’s eyeballs are small and the axis of the eye is short. We call it “hyperopia reserve”

Ribbon: Is it easy to develop into myopia in the lack of reserves of the hyperopia?

Pheasant: Yes, it is recommended to take refractive screening on a regular basis to monitor the reserved reserves of hyperopia

Ribbon: Pay attention to the habit of using the eyes, and avoid using the eye for a long time

Pheasant: When reading a book, you can get one foot from the book, a fist at the desk, and one inch from the tip of the hand.

Ribbon: When the eyes are used for more than 20 minutes, you can look at more than 20 seconds from a distance

Pheasant: Can’t lie flat, lying on the side or lying on the bed reading books, nor can you read a book while walking

Ribbon: Not to read in the dim light or the moving carriage

Pheasant: To see the electronic screen as little as possible, infants and young children within 3 years of age should avoid contact with electronic products

Ribbon: Make sure that day outdoor activities that are not less than 2 hours a day can prevent myopia

Pheasant: Ensure that nutritional nutrition, and eating more bean products, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, etc. also help protect vision

Ribbon: Follow eye health

Pheasant: Care for the Window of the Soul

June 6, 2024 is the 29th national “Eye Eye Day”, and the eye protection starts with myopia.

What is myopia?

After the parallel light of 5 meters away is in the eyeballs that are regulated and relaxed, the focus is on the retina that will form clear images.If the eyeball optical system does not set the focus on the retina, the imaging will blur.Therefore, myopia is manifested as blurred by looking at the distant objects.

The first step of preventing myopia: Pay attention to remote reserves

Children’s eyeballs and vision are gradually developing.The newborn has a small eyeball and a short eye axis. At this time, the eyes are in a state of hyperopia, which is called “hyperopia reserves”.With the growth and development of children, the eyeballs gradually grow, and the eye shaft gradually becomes longer.O remote reserves are important indicators used to monitor the development of flexion. Insufficient reserves of hyperopia are easy to develop into myopia.It is recommended that children regularly receive refractive screening on school age in the age of 1-3, the early age of the age of 4-6, and after the age of 7 to monitor the reserves of the hyperopic vision.

Preventing myopia Step 2: Eye habit is very important

Long -term close -to -eyes are the key factor for the formation of myopia. Children and adolescents should develop good eye habits.

1. Read and write “three one”, that is, “one foot, one punch and one inch”, one foot from the book, a punch of the chest, one inch from the pen tip.Do not read a book while walking, not in the dim light or in the mobile carriage.

2. Adhere to the principle of “20-20-20”, that is, 20 minutes with the eye for 20 minutes, overlook 20 seconds more than 20 feet (about 6 meters).

3. Be alert to the harm of electronic products. The biggest damage to electronic products such as mobile phones is the visual fatigue caused by the eye for a long time.Infants and young children within 3 years of age do not contact. Children aged 3-6 are avoided as much as possible. Primary and secondary school students should not use electronic screens for a single time for not more than 15 minutes.When studying with electronic screens, the center of the screen should be about 10 cm below the eyes, 4-6 times the length of the electronic screen diagonal line. After watching 30-40 minutes, you should rest for 10 minutes.The “eye protection mode” is not so dazzling by regulating the color of the mobile phone screen, making the screen relatively not so dazzling and not preventing and controlling myopia.

Preventing myopia Step 3: Outdoor activities are indispensable

Outdoor activities allow us to contact the sun. The suitable sunlight can increase the release of active substances such as dopamine in the eyes, promote the normal development of the eyeball and inhibit the longer the axis.Children and adolescents should insist on not less than 2 hours every day outdoors or 14 hours a week.

Preventing myopia Step 3: Balanced Nutrition Sleep

The age of 0 to 17 is an important stage of eyeball and visual functional development. Balanced nutrition is required to achieve diversification of diet.Children and adolescents should take more fish, eggs, milk, soy products, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Normal day and night rhythm and sufficient sleep are also important for children and adolescent eyes. Children and elementary school students should sleep less than 10 hours a day, junior high school students sleep for no less than 9 hours per day, high school students’ daily sleep should not be less than 8 per dayHour.

Diagnostic myopia “Gold Standard”

When children have abnormal conditions such as vision closer, squinting, etc., they find that the vision is poor, and they should go to the medical institution for ophthalmology in time.Pupil testing is the “gold standard” of diagnosis of myopia. It is more accurate to use ciliary muscle paralysis agents to relax the eye adjustment effect. In this state, medical optometry is more accurate.Pupils do not cause damage to the eyes. After taking the medicine, they can be crowded in the short term, and they can be recovered after stopping the medicine.Once diagnosed with myopia, it should be scientifically intervened in time, the number of myopia is more than 75 degrees, and the naked eye vision is less than 4.9. It is recommended to wear appropriate glasses to correct the vision and avoid deepening the number of myopia.