(Washington, 26th) U.S. EQ shows that hacking groups related to the Ministry of National Security of China often steal personal capital through “fake emails”, so follow the United Kingdom and sanctions on related people.On the 26th, New Zealand also accused China for the first time to participate in hacking operations.What do you say in China?

Following the United Kingdom, the United States, New Zealand and other countries have accused the hackers, scholars, objections, journalists, and national defense contractors that have related hackers, scholars, objections, reporters and national defense contractors related to the Chinese government.Network attacks.

The U.S. -involved hacking group is a branch of the Ministry of National Security of China. Through a company that is said to be used as a guise of the Ministry of National Security of China, the hacking behavior is conducted.The US indictment listed seven Chinese hackers, two of them Zhao Guangzong and Ni Gaobin, which also ranked British sanctions.

Lisa Monaco, Deputy Minister of Justice, said the purpose of the global hacking action was to “suppress criticism of Chinese power, destroy government agencies, and steal commercial secrets.”

The United States exposes fake emails to really stealing confidentiality

The hacking group attacking the United States is called APT31 (Advanced Persistent Threat 31) is mainly operated in Wuhan and belongs to the Hubei Provincial Department of Security, which has been conducting global hacking operations since 2010.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, members of APT31 sent more than 10,000 malicious emails. Senders usually counterfeit are media institutions or well -known journalists. The letter also includes a seemingly legitimate news article.

However, in fact, the letter is attached to a hidden tracking link. If the recipient opens the mail, the information such as the location, network address, equipment model and other information will flow out, and it will be used to operate more targeted further hacker attacks, such as for exampleInvader its home routers and other electronic devices.

The United States pointed out that specific victims include the “Transnational Parliament Alliance of China” (IPAC), which publicly criticized China and became the target of the above -mentioned methods.

In addition, the supplier of steel, energy companies, 5G equipment and wireless network technology in the United States, as well as spouses of high -level officials and parliamentarians, are also targets.Millions of Americans work and private mailboxes, cloud storage space, and call records may have been invaded.

The United States also said that in 2020, a staff member of the staff participating in the US presidential election campaign was invaded; in 2018, the US poll research institution was hacked.John Hultquist, an online emotional expert, believes that hacker groups may start with political organizations to collect geopolitical conditions.

New Zealand has accused Chinese hackers invading for the first time

New Zealand has for the first time accusing the Chinese government’s participation in malicious network attacks on the New Zealand government system.New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters issued a statement saying: “This nature of foreign intervention is unacceptable, and we have urged China not to do such activities in the future.”

Peter said that New Zealand has cooperated with mutually beneficial cooperation with China, but at the same time, it will also care about certain issues.However, New Zealand does not intend to follow up with British and American sanctions, only expressing concerns about Chinese ambassador Wang Xiaolong.

The hacking group attacking New Zealand is called APT40, which is also accused of related to the Ministry of Security of China.In 2021, the organization started the New Zealand Parliament’s consultant office and parliamentary service system and obtained important information on the operation of the New Zealand government, but did not include sensitive and strategic information.

The Chinese Embassy in New Zealand denied the relevant allegations on the 26th, criticizing this “no basis and irresponsible”, and has expressed dissatisfaction and strong opposition to the New Zealand government.The statement states that China has never been “never, and the future will never” interfere with the internal affairs of other countries. Such accusations are “completely wrong.”

China advocates itself as the main victim of online attacks, and “consistently resolutely stops and severely crack down on various types of network malware in accordance with the law.”